Carbon Tax Witness
Believing that climate change can be too removed, too big, too complex and too overwhelming to deal with individually, in early 2014 twelve Meeting individuals began participating together in a carbon tax witness. We have sought to address the issue of climate change as an integral part of our spiritual journey. We are not about admonishing ourselves or others about our carbon sword but seek to open ourselves up to a witness for the earth, hoping to be patterns and examples in our lives. This witness is communal and is in support of legislation implementing a carbon tax, a topic about which we seek to further educate ourselves.
Each quarter, we tax ourselves on our carbon usage, either by using a tax calculator developed by Mt. Toby Meeting or by setting our own amount. Each pledge amount is confidential but the witness is public. Donations go into a special designated Meeting account and are tax deductible.
At the end of every quarter, the group meets over a fun and informal dessert pot luck and chooses an organization which is working on issues related to the environment and to climate change. It has been our custom to vary our quarterly donations between local and national groups. Since 2014, $15,000 has been donated to 25 different organizations.
We eagerly invite others in Meeting to join us in this witness.