Racial Justice Resource List
In September 2020, the working group on Racial Justice developed a listing of resources which were the basis for a series of discussions.
Books and articles
James Baldwin: “A Letter to my nephew”
“So You Want to Talk about Race” by Ijeoma Oluo.
Three Stories of Growing the Seeds of Meeting-wide Racial Justice Work
Hal Weaver’s Pendle Hill pamphlet “Race, Systemic Violence, and Retrospective Justice: An African American Quaker scholar-activist challenges conventional narratives” and an introduction to The Black Quaker Project which Hal founded.
A Proposed Plan for Retrospective Justice - Friends Journal
article from the Friends Journal: “On Being Good”
why Oluo wrote the book, Derald Wing Sue speaking on microaggressions, and Why talking about race with your mom can be hard enhanced the discussion.
Two Quaker Speak videos on “Confronting Privilege” and “Dreaming of Wholeness: Quakers and the future of racial healing”
Three Windsor Fathers discuss “The Talk”.